Oatmeal... made of oats and agave

I'm going to be honest... I don't love oatmeal. It's a texture thing I think- I'm big on texture. It might also be a bit of a taste thing in this case ;) Still, this is a very quick way to get some good calories in the belly when you don't have a lot of time. Bonus points because a big box of oats is something you can keep on hand for a long time without it going bad. It's nice to  have stuff like that around for those awkward stretches between grocery runs after the frozen pizza is gone.

This prep is QUITE simple:

1) Put your oats in a bowl. Oats are oats as far as I know- nothing special to these.

2) Add agave to sweeten up the mix a bit. It's healthier than plain sugar- I think it has to do with how quickly it's absorbed. Google it.

3) Heat up some water to boiling and add it to the mix (use the water boiling thing shown here to do this quickly). Wait a few minutes, mix up, and "enjoy." If you have stuff in your pantry like raisins, walnuts, etc. you can make this into a legitimately tasty meal, but now you're complicating things...
