Quick Potatoes

You might think a baked potato is a solid choice for a fast and simple fill up. And it's not bad. But when you factor in the amount of ingredients people often use and how long it takes even to microwave a full size potato, you figure there has to be a better way. There is:

Smaller potatoes cook faster. Little red potatoes have served me well. 

Start by deciding how much you want to eat:

Next, coat the potatoes with oil. It shouldn't matter too much what kind of oil you use so long as you don't dislike the taste. Don't these already look more exciting to eat?

Mic 'em! I'd go about 5 minutes then in increments of 2 minutes until they're soft with a fork. You'll have to feel out your own microwave and portions.

Put something on them. I had spicy brown mustard and horseradish sauce in my fridge. You can probably do better, but this is not bad.

EAT CAUTIOUSLY The phrase "hot potato" wasn't made up for nothing. These little puppies are more dangerous to the roof of your mouth than a frozen pizza right out of the oven.
